Saturday, December 24, 2011

Look here!

We made a gingerbread house! My daddy, my sister Kate and I all spent christmas eve making it!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Here are some of my drawings...

This is Martha, from the movie Cricket on the Hearth.

This is Martha not in her wedding dress.

This is my mommy brushing our dogs hair.

This is Belle without her pretty yellow dress on.

This is a Chinese girl.  She laughs whenever people don't say funny things.

This is the man on the moon.  It was raining.

Santa and Rudolf made it to the children's home and Rudolf was a star.

Me and Santa.  I didn't sit on his lap I stood next to him.

This is Snow White.  She is as pretty as a sugar flower or a plum.

This is a different snow white in her wedding dress.

Sunday, December 11, 2011


Hi, I'm Emily.  I want to show you my illustrations.  I am six years old.  My last name is Gjonola.  I'm glad you saw my things that I did for you today.  Here is a picture of me.  Oh and here is my daddy's blog... and my twin sister's blog and another blog I like

This is a video I took...